Dynamic Content for Gutenberg Blocks

Create advanced dynamic WordPress website in Gutenberg without any coding. Fetch Custom Fields data to show Post Meta or Custom Post Type content in all our blocks.

Populate Dynamic Post Meta Content for Listing Page, Archive page etc

Source Dynamic Content from Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Toolset, MetaBox and Pods

Supports Text, Text Area, URL, Colour and Media (Only Images)

Performance optimized for faster query

Build Custom Loop Skin for Blog Post or any Custom Post Type

Creative Image
populate dynamic
Populate Dynamic Post Meta
Fetch multiple meta content on your page using dynamic fields

Default WordPress Post Meta Terms & User Profile

ACF, Toolset, MetaBox & Pods Content

WooCommerce Dynamic Content

Vector 6
Show Dynamic Fields in all our Blocks
You can add Dynamic Text, Dynamic URL, Dynamic Color, Media (Images Only) and Text Area

5 unique Field types

Add Prefix, Postfix to the field data

Add Fallback Content

dynamic field
nexter theme builder
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Make use of Nexter Theme Builder
Build full fledge dynamic WordPress website with Gutenberg by combining The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg with Nexter Theme

Build Singular Page for Blog Posts or CPT

Create Category Archive or Search Pages

Add Display Conditional Rules

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Custom Post Loop Skin in Gutenberg
Using our Advanced Post Listing Block to show any Custom Post Type or Blogs as Source

4 Prebuild Post Layout Styles

Custom Post Loop Skin Template

Choose any Post as Source for listing

custom post loop skin-1
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Multiple Post Listing Layouts
Using our Advance Query Builder of Post, show any CPT in multiple layouts.


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