Video Player

Brilliant tool with powerful options to showcase your YouTube, Vimeo and Self-hosted videos in style for WordPress using Gutenberg.

Skew, Angle and CSS Filter Options

YouTube, Vimeo and Self Hosted Support

Autoplay, Popup, iFrame Options

Cross browser Compatibility

Creative Image

Vimeo Direct iFrame and Customisation Options

Youtube iFrame without Controllers

Self-hosted with Controllers

Self-hosted – Autoplay – No Controls + Unique Normal + Hover CSS Filters

Note : To make self-hosted video autoplay, You have to make it Mute.

With Skew and Angle
rotate(1deg) skew(10deg)

With Skew and Angle
rotate(1deg) skew(-10deg)

Vimeo – Box Shadow – Cover Image – iFrame Play

Youtube – Cover Image – Video Title & Icon – Popup Play

Video Thumbnail
Watch Movie Trailer
Video Thumbnail
Video Thumbnail
Video Thumbnail
Video Thumbnail
Video Thumbnail
Video Thumbnail