Live Copy Paste

You can now copy any of our section from our demo pages using our live copy feature. You need to press “Live Copy” and paste it using Plus Paste on your page.

Live Copy from Demo Page

Copy full section of Layout

Copy Images as well

Works with all modern Browsers

Creative Image

Simplest way to Copy & Paste in Gutenberg

With “Plus Copy” and “Plus Paste” Feature, You can copy whole block, Section or Column from one site to another site on same browser. This is save you from that Import & Export process of JSON files.

Copy & Paste Section

Copy & Paste Block

Copy & Paste Column

Creative Image
Creative Image

Easy access of 300+ Sections & 18+ Templates

Yes. Our PlusDesign is now powered with “Plus Copy”. You may go to any of our page and replicate whole section using Plus Copy Feature.

Go to our PlusDesign Area

Press “Copy” Button

Press “Plus Paste” to replicate that section

How it works?

Most easy way to get demo layouts from our widget pages.

Go to demo page.

Press on “Live Copy” Button

Click on “Plus Paste” Icon from Gutenberg editor’s top left bar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. It can copy and paste content from local host. You just need to make sure, That’s on Same Browser.
No. As, This Feature is based on local storage, Which is based on your browser storage. So, You have to use same browser for whole process of replicating sections, columns or widgets.
Yes. Indeed. It will copy and paste your media files to new website and change URL in copied code as well. So, It will be completely ready to use with new content.