Login, Signup & Password Form

Best WordPress login, signup/registration form and password reset form block. Enhance your security with Facebook & Google Login, Google reCAPTCHA and more. You can also collect custom data on registration using ACF custom fields.

Multiple Form Layouts

Integrate with Google ReCaptcha, MailChimp,

Social Login with Facebook & Google

Custom Registration Email content

Creative Image

Registration & Signup Form

Multiple Form Layouts

Integrate with Google ReCaptcha, MailChimp,

Social Signup with Facebook & Google

Custom Registration Email content

registration signup form
login form new 1

Login Form

Multiple Form Layouts & Custom Fields

PasswordLess Magic Login

Facebook & Google Login

GDPR Complaint

Forgot & Reset Password

Versatile Placement Options

Custom Email Subject & Content

Google reCAPTCHA

Enforce Strong Password Rule

forgot reset password

Key Features

Facebook and Google Login
Allow users to easily register and login using their social media accounts, improving user experience.
Google reCAPTCHA
Enhance the security of your site and prevent spam registrations with this powerful tool, improving site security.
Custom Fields
Gather additional user information during registration to better understand your audience, improving data collection.
Password Reset form
Provide an easy way for users to reset their password if they forget it, improving user experience.
Fully Responsive
Works seamlessly on all devices, ensuring a great user experience for mobile and desktop users and improving accessibility.
Easy to use
User-friendly interface that requires no coding knowledge to set up, improving usability.
Use on any Page
Place the login and registration forms on any page of your website, improving flexibility.
MailChimp Connections
Connect your MailChimp account to seamlessly integrate email marketing with your user registration process, improving marketing efforts.
Passwordless Login
Our WordPress Login block offers the option to enable Passwordless Login, allowing users to log in without the need for a password for added convenience and security.
GDPR Compliance
Our login block is fully GDPR compliant, ensuring that your login and registration forms are in line with privacy regulations to protect user data.
Performance Optimization
We understand the importance of website speed and have optimized our block to ensure fast loading times and optimal performance on your WordPress site.
Customizable Email Content
With our block, you have the ability to customize the content of the email notifications sent to users when they register, reset their password, or perform other actions on your site for a personalized touch.

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Amazing Features and Best Support

There are many different awesome features in the plugin that other plugins do not have. When I decided to rebuild my ecommerce site with Gutenberg, I started researching Gutenberg add-ons. I tried several different products but was not satisfied.The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg was a excellent match for my complex and multi-functional e-commerce site that I wanted to rebuild. Thank you so much!
~ @onurozden

Frequently Asked Questions

Our WordPress Login block offers a range of features, including Social Login options like Google & Facebook, Google reCAPTCHA, Custom Fields, Password Reset form, Custom Email notifications, and MailChimp Connections.
Yes, our WordPress Login block offers customization options to change the appearance of the login and registration forms.
Yes, our WordPress Login block is designed to be compatible with other WordPress plugins and themes.
Yes, we offer support if you encounter any issues or have questions about our Login block.
Yes, our WordPress Login block allows users to redirect to a specific page after login.
Yes, our WordPress Login block is GDPR compliant and offers options to collect and manage user data in compliance with GDPR regulations.
Using Social Login options like Google & Facebook on your WordPress site makes the login process easier and faster for users, potentially increasing conversions and reducing cart abandonment.
A Passwordless Login feature eliminates the need for users to remember and enter passwords, improving the login experience and potentially increasing website security.