Registration & SignUp Form

Customize your WordPress login form like never before with our advanced blocks. Get features like Redirect on Login, ACF Custom Fields, Google reCAPTCHA, and more to enhance the functionality and security of your login page.

AJAX based Multi Purpose forms

All Combined Tabbing Option

ReCaptcha & MailChimp

Facebook & Google Login

Multiple Layouts & Custom ACF Fields

Send Custom Register Email

Facebook & Google Signup

GDPR Complaint

Auto-Login & Redirect

Creative Image

Increase Signups with Facebook & Google Login

This enables your users to conveniently sign up in using their Facebook or Google account. Which enhances the user experience and boosts sign-up rates, making it a valuable addition to your website.

increase sign up
prevent spammy registration

Prevent Spammy Registrations

By implementing Google reCAPTCHA and Honeypot fields on your forms a website’s forms, website you owners can effectively prevent spam submissions from automated bots. This can enhance the security and reliability of the website, providing a better user experience for legitimate visitors.

Collect Additional Date with Custom Fields

Using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) at Registration page enables you to collect additional user data, including birthdate and gender, which can provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviours.

collect addition
add custom action

Add Custom Action after Registrations

With our autologin feature, users who register on your website can be redirected to a specific page of your choice, improving the overall user experience. Additionally, our custom email content feature allows you to send personalized verification emails to your users after registration, helping to build trust and improve engagement.

Send Email To Mailchimp List after Signup

Our powerful plugin feature can automatically subscribe your website users to your Mailchimp email list, making it a breeze to build and maintain your customer email list. With this feature, you can save time and effort while enhancing your email marketing campaigns and driving higher engagement rates.

collect addition

Key Features

Multiple Layouts
The block offers multiple customizable layouts for your registration form, allowing you to choose a design that matches your website’s branding and style.
Custom ACF Fields
You can gather additional user information during registration using the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) feature, helping you better understand your audience.
Send Custom Register Email
The block includes the option to send custom registration emails to users, providing a personalized experience for each new user. The block includes the option to send custom registration emails to users, providing a personalized experience for each new user.
Facebook & Google Signup
Users can easily register and log in using their social media accounts, improving user experience and convenience.
GDPR Compliance
The block is fully GDPR compliant, ensuring that your registration and signup forms are in line with privacy regulations to protect user data.
The powerful tool can enhance your site’s security and prevent spam registrations.
Mailchimp Integration
You can integrate the registration form with Mailchimp, allowing you to add users to your email list automatically.
Performance Optimization
The block is optimized for fast loading times and optimal performance on your WordPress site.
The honeypot feature helps prevent spam registrations by detecting and blocking automated bots
Easy to use
The user-friendly interface requires no coding knowledge to set up, improving usability.
Auto-Login & Redirect
The block offers the option for auto-login and redirection after registration, providing a smooth and seamless user experience.
Add on any page
12. Place the login and registration forms on any page of your website, improving flexibility.

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Group 17728 (1)

Amazing Features and Best Support

There are many different awesome features in the plugin that other plugins do not have. When I decided to rebuild my ecommerce site with Gutenberg, I started researching Gutenberg add-ons. I tried several different products but was not satisfied.The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg was a excellent match for my complex and multi-functional e-commerce site that I wanted to rebuild. Thank you so much!
~ @onurozden

Frequently Asked Questions

You can use The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg’s Login block you can easily add extra custom fields to collect data on user Registrations.
You can use The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg’s Login block that supports social media login, such as our Registration & Signup form block, which allows users to register and log in using their Facebook or Google accounts.
GDPR is a regulation designed to protect the personal data of European Union citizens. To ensure your registration process complies with GDPR, you need to obtain explicit consent from users, provide them with access to their data, and offer the ability to delete their data if requested. You can easily perform this using The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg’s Login block.
You can use The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg’s Login block that supports spam protection measures such as reCAPTCHA, which is integrated into our Registration & Signup form block, or use a honeypot technique to trap bots.