Sticky Header Menu
for WordPress

Customize your boring navigation menu with our smooth sticky navigation menu for WordPress. Works perfectly with the Gutenberg Block Editor.

Responsive Design

Multiple Sticky Modes

Enhanced User Experience

Custom Styling Options

Sticky Header WordPress Effects

Sticky Fixed Header Effect

Make your website’s header stay at the top of the page as visitors scroll down, ensuring easy access to navigation menus and important links.

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header fixed shrink 3x img

Change Header Height on Scroll(Shrinking Header Effect)

Create an engaging visual experience by having your header shrink in size as users scroll, maximizing the available space for content.

Hide Header on Scroll Down Effect (Reverse Sticky Header)

Give your visitors a distraction-free view of your content by making the header disappear when they scroll down, providing a cleaner layout.

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Change Header Content on Scroll

Transform the appearance of your header as users scroll through your content, adding a touch of dynamic design to your webpage.

Sticky Header with Fade In Effect

Make your header smoothly appear as users scroll back up, using a gentle fading animation for a subtle and appealing transition.

header fade effect 2x
slide down effect 2x

Sticky Header with Different Color on Scroll with Slide Down Effect

Add visual flair to your header by altering its color scheme as visitors scroll, accompanied by a smooth slide-down animation for a stylish look.

Nested Sticky Header Effect

Create a layered header experience that changes its content and appearance as users scroll, offering different elements or information at different scroll points.

neseted img 2x
Any Questions ?
Group 17728 (1)

Amazing Features and Best Support

There are many different awesome features in the plugin that other plugins do not have. When I decided to rebuild my ecommerce site with Gutenberg, I started researching Gutenberg add-ons. I tried several different products but was not satisfied.The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg was a excellent match for my complex and multi-functional e-commerce site that I wanted to rebuild. Thank you so much!
~ @onurozden

Frequently Asked Questions

Our WordPress Login block offers a range of features, including Social Login options like Google & Facebook, Google reCAPTCHA, Custom Fields, Password Reset form, Custom Email notifications, and MailChimp Connections.
Yes, our WordPress Login block offers customization options to change the appearance of the login and registration forms.
Yes, our WordPress Login block is designed to be compatible with other WordPress plugins and themes.
Yes, we offer support if you encounter any issues or have questions about our Login block.
Yes, our WordPress Login block allows users to redirect to a specific page after login.
Yes, our WordPress Login block is GDPR compliant and offers options to collect and manage user data in compliance with GDPR regulations.
Using Social Login options like Google & Facebook on your WordPress site makes the login process easier and faster for users, potentially increasing conversions and reducing cart abandonment.
A Passwordless Login feature eliminates the need for users to remember and enter passwords, improving the login experience and potentially increasing website security.